
Skeed has always been able to sense things his entire life. He has always just been different and always connected to these energies although never knowing the names of these gifts. Perhaps the correct term is Siddha or Tantrik

Also “doing” dyslexia and ADD from a young age, he saw the world from very different eyes, knowing that the way things are done just are this, the way things are done. Not the best way or even efficient ways.

These things lead him on a long life path of investigation and discovery.

Suffering from years of depression from the age of 14 to 18 until his first major awakening experience again more light was given.

His first full awakening took place in one of the world’s naturally most powerful places and by one of the worlds natural pyramids. Monte Cervino in Italy in 1997.

This lead him on a path to discovery.

Now multiple decades later and after understanding he had the natural ability to transmit the energy of Chi or Prana, Shakti and Shiva or Kundalini, tantra and light body or auric energy and having sort teachers from all walks of life; more than 25 years of research, having taken a numerous amount of courses to qualify his understanding and learnings from deeply researched material; always seeking the source of the information rather than the status quo of teachings and combining knowledge from different disciplines and cultures; always seeking the knowledge hidden in plane sight… after multiple awakenings throughout the years he is still on his path looking to help others along their own paths.